When I was in grade school biology class I would stare for hours at the giant jar on a shelf containing a two-headed piglet floating in yellowish fluid.

I remember thinking how does that happen? And why can't there be more animals walking around looking like they walked right out of a mythology novel?

Earlier this week on Facebook I came across a pic of a two headed calf in Hurley, South Dakota.

Two-Headed Calf
Ethan Schmeichel via Facebook

I'm evidently not the only one fascinated with two headed animals with the post an pictures being shared over 20,000 times.

I reached out to the farm and they were kind enough to allow me to feature this story, and sent along the following statement:

As farmers, we take animal husbandry very seriously and believe in the ethical and humane treatment of all animals. After extensive discussion with our veterinarian, the calf that was born on our farm last week has been euthanized. We are saddened by the fact that we were not able to save this calf, but know that this was the best decision to prevent any future suffering or hardship for the animal.

Schmeichel Farms

Hurley, SD

It's not just people in South Dakota who take interest in the phenomenon of double headed animals.

According to NBC News an aquarium and museum in St. Louis were pursuing a Guinness World Record for the most two-headed animals on display.

So far, the aquarium has lined up 10 two-headed snakes and turtles, including "We," the aquarium's rare albino two-headed rat snake.  The other nine animals are owned by Fred Lally of West Fork, Ark.

And if a local reptile dealer with a two-headed snake adds his to the exhibit, the head count would rise to 22.  "It should be a huge two-headed party," aquarium president Leonard Sonnenschein said Tuesday.

For the entire NBC News story click here.

Sources: NBC News

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