
Did You Know There are Hundreds of Secret Netflix Codes to Unlock Hidden Categories?
Did You Know There are Hundreds of Secret Netflix Codes to Unlock Hidden Categories?
Did You Know There are Hundreds of Secret Netflix Codes to Unlock Hidden Categories?
Whether you're in the mood for an Asian action movie or a quirky romance flick, Netflix has it, but you might not be able to find it. There are hundreds of Netflix sub-categories, but they are hard to find. Now, thanks to some folks with too much time on their hands, they've cataloged the secret codes for easy searching...
Netflix Negotiating With Disney For ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Streaming Rights
Netflix Negotiating With Disney For ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Streaming Rights
Netflix Negotiating With Disney For ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Streaming Rights
Back in 2012, Disney and Netflix struck a deal that would allow all of Disney’s films — including Marvel, Pixar and Star Wars properties — to stream exclusively on Netflix Instant, starting on January 1, 2016. As that date approaches, many have speculated openly about the Star Wars films finally coming to Netflix. There were even rumors recently that Netflix was prepping their database for the Star Wars movies, though Netflix denied those reports. While they have yet to comment specifically on the existing six films in the Star Wars library, Netflix did confirm that, as of now, they do not have the rights to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but are currently in negotiations to bring that title to their streaming library.
Best Horror Movies on Netflix
Best Horror Movies on Netflix
Best Horror Movies on Netflix
It’s October and you know what means — it’s time to dust off the horror genre and spend a few weeks screaming at your television. Since actually getting off your couch and actually getting a movie off the shelf is too much effort, we’ve gone ahead and done all of the hard work for you. Here are the 10 best horror movies currently streaming on Netflix Instant. From bonafide classics to newer discoveries, these movies have a little something for everyone.

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