Facebook has gone through some more changes. Now you are going to get more choices you can use to respond to your friends posts.

Haven't you always felt that even though you have found some of your friends posts helpful, that a “Like” wasn't necessarily appropriate? Me too.

Now you have more choices. As of Wednesday facebook will have these choices for you to use: “Like”, “Love”, “HaHa”, “Wow”, “Sad”, & “Angry”.

Facebook has been thinking about doing this for a while. They apparently considered the response of lots of people and decided that these buttons would be the best options to add for now.

The full rollout may take a few more days, so everyone might not have all the options right away.

So what do you think? Are you giving these choices a “Like”?  Or do you wish there was one of these buttons:


[Source: Associated Press]

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