Early Spring Chores Starting in Sioux Falls
You can learn a lot by simply walking around the block in your neighborhood. I should say you can lean a lot if you keep your eyes open while out on your walk. We've seen all sorts of artwork, done by 'taught at home kids.' Sidewalk art, artwork in windows and even light displays set outside showing unity and positivity. Another thing adults are doing with their extra time? Yard Work!
I noticed Tuesday that several neighbors had already fired up the lawnmower. I've seen people out with rakes, fluffing up drifted on packed down lawns. It's these places that will have the GREEN early spring lawn.
A guy named Roger used to tell me about Early Spring Lawns. He would say something like, are you sure you want to do that? You wake up that lawn, you'll just have to mow more, sooner. Or, why are you putting on lawn fertilizer now. Do you just like to mow?
Roger was a kidder. But what he said, was thought-provoking. Most people like a nice looking place, but can 'starting early' with spring chores, really make for more work in the long run? By the way, my neighbor to the west sets the bar high. He's already mowed, his garden looks prepped and he's all cleaned up around his place. Looks like I have some catching up to do.
No matter how you look at it, simply being outside, and getting some fresh air and exercise can't be all bad. And hey, if we do get a little snow, after all, that pre-season work, that's alright too. You know. Farmer talk. There's a lot of nitrogen in snow. And it's cheap too. Natures Fertilizer.