Despite a recent challenge by an atheist group, the religious themed artwork on City of Sioux Falls snowplows will remain on display.  

Recently, the Siouxland Free Thinkers voiced opposition to the words “Jesus Christ” and “Happy Birthday Jesus” on two plows painted by the Lutheran High School of Sioux Falls and Sioux Falls Lutheran School respectively.   As a result, the Public Works Department requested either the schools redesign new murals or the art would be covered.

That plan changed according to Derek Bult, the principal of Lutheran High School of Sioux Falls.

“Mayor Mike Huether took a very pointed stance stating that the city would not paint over the artwork on the plows until all of them could be done. In his opinion that would be at the end of the snow season. I take that as the artwork is going to stand and it is proudly going to be displayed on Sioux Falls streets.”

After hearing bad news initially, Bult implored his students to remain positive.

“At first the students felt that it was unfair. At our Wednesday chapel the message was, ‘There is going to be greater good that comes from this.’ The next day we were getting interview requests from all over the United States. The students saw that this no longer reaches thousands of people like it would in Sioux Falls. This is reaching millions of people across the United States.”

Bult is excited that the students achieved a moral victory and their artistic expression will remain as they intended.

Sioux Falls Lutheran School Plow
Controversial Paint the Plow Artwork
Lutheran High School via Facebook

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