Eddie From Bobby Bones Show Talks Parent Shaming
The Bobby Bones Show is a great way to start your day. It's also a relatable way to start your day. As a parent, I've watched, what Eddie did. Don't worry Eddie. I wouldn't judge! Catch The Bobby Bones Show, weekday mornings 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM plus Bobby Bones and The Country Top 30 Sunday mornings starting at 8:00 AM on Kickin' 100.5!
Eddie from The Bobby Bones Show and his family were at a restaurant and evidently, Eddies Rabbit Ears were on high alert.
The kids were all eating as well as Eddie and his wife and the baby started to get fussy. So they handed the baby their iPhone so he'd calm down for long enough that the rest of the family could finish their meals with some peace and quiet. That's when Eddie heard another parent, sitting at a table near them with their partner and baby, shame Eddie and his wife for giving the baby an iPhone. He heard the woman say "I hate when people give babies phones."

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