Hey South Dakota dad, maintaining that svelte physic may not be at the top of your to-do list but your Dad Bod does have a somewhat unique appeal.

fat on the sides

Secretively you may have been working on that paunch all winter just waiting for the right time to jump into the neighbor's backyard swimming pool this summer. Okay, don't be shy. Father's Day is just around the corner and a perfect time for the big reveal.

Overweight man with tight clothes
James Martin/ThinkStock

The Dad Bod is real in South Dakota. Even though we were not locked down as much as the rest of the country over the last few years, there was still plenty of shelter in place days and weeks where the fast-food binge and empty beer can tower became the standard.

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Found this survey recently that points out the attraction to Dad Bods. Oh yes, it takes a look at much more than sagging skin, droopy arms, and the six-pack you once were proud of that has turned into a muffin top.

What I found interesting is nearly 3 in 4 women (70%) say they are a fan of a particular body type.

"1 in 5 say the Dad Bod is the new six-pack"


But, what if you are not a dad with a Dad Bod? Hmmm! Too many nights at the bar? Too many trips through the drive-thru? Too many hours in front of the TV while working on your beer can tower?

On the positive side of the survey, the Dad Bod brings several enlightening descriptions. Family man tops the list. Supportive, caring, good husband, busy, providers, and unathletic make up the rest.

As the Dad Bod inflates its way into a social media craze don't be surprised that we'll see more dad selfies shared on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

Here Are 13 of Your Favorite Fried Foods

Some foods need a fryer, others should never go near one. Forget baking. We are so obsessed with eating deep-fat fried foods. And every time you turn around, there's another menu filled with most of the items that have bathed in a hot-boiling fat vat.

There seems to be no end to what a deep fat fryer can cook. And we prove it every day with our love of crispy, greasy, burnt-tongue, salty foods.

I won't argue that an order of onion rings or sweet potato fries is the best marriage partner to a burger. Especially when they are made from scratch. So, pile them high.

What are some other delights that need the fryer?

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