Full disclosure and spoiler alert! If you are a germaphobe (Ben), or sensitive about pathogens wreaking havoc in your life, you'll be grossed out by some of the revelations I found about items you encounter in your everyday life, which may be filthy, dirty and germy!

  • Laundry - that great smelling pile of clothes could be contaminated with E.coli from a previous load of- -um, how can I put this delicately- -delicates! Remedy this disgusting situation by running your wash machine empty on the highest heat setting and do it once a month. (While you're at it, say a prayer for me because I still use a laundromat! Yuck!)
  • Your car's dashboard - apparently thanks to its proximity to the air vents, (which blow germs around), your buddies who rest their stinky bare feet up on it, the food you set up there and/or spill, other germ-producing culprits, and the warmth of the sun, this is the germiest place in your car. You should wipe it down with a disinfecting wipe once-a-week.
  • Contact lens case - when was the last time you replaced it? And no, throwing it in the dishwasher is not adequate. Apparently the little buggers are prime staph growing containers, so you should replace them every 2 or 3 months.
  • Things you clean with - like sponges and dishrags, need to be cleaned daily. Throw them in the dishwasher or microwave. Once you get in the habit, you'll feel a lot better about using them again and again.

I won't even bother reminding you about your pillows and bedding and washing & drying them at high temps! (Well okay, I just did.)


You know what's hiding in them and it isn't just gross, it could actually disturb your sleep, (at best) bring on an asthma attack or make you ill (at worst).

So in honor of Spring, get cleaning!

(Source material from PureWow.com)



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