With the onset of the South Dakota half-penny sales tax, the intention of using the revenue to increase teacher salaries across the state seems to be working.  According to Governor Dennis Daugaard, the average salary has increased 8.8%.

Average teacher salary in 2017 was $45,625. That's up from $41,940 the previous year.  Several districts, including Wall, Gayville-Volin and Mobridge-Pollock, saw increases of more than 20 percent, with Leola nearing a 30 percent increase.

“This is good news,” sys Gov. Dennis Daugaard. “We knew that it would take some time to meet the target salary goal, and schools are making great progress in that direction already. I’m confident this upward trend will continue in the years to come.”

According to a statement released by the Governor's office, the statewide target is an average of $48,500.  The governor also notes an increase in teacher morale due to the increasing salaries.


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