South Dakota Fish Cleaning Stations Still Closed
Lots of people have been getting out with their poles and trying to reel one in. However, depending on where you go, some facilities are closed due to COVID-19.
The South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks sent out an email reminding anglers that fish cleaning stations are closed at all state parks, recreational areas, and fishing access areas. This closure is in effect until further notice.
“We know this isn’t an ideal situation,” said Chris Hull, “but anglers are some of the most respectful and adaptive users out there. We appreciate the help now so these facilities will be ready to open as soon as it’s safe to do so.”
Also, modern restrooms and visitor centers will remain closed.
If you're going fishing GFP is encouraging anglers to take their fish home and clean them, or bring your own bags and trash bags to filet fish and then dispose of the waste when you get home.

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