National Nonprofit Day: Take a Breath, Do Something Positive
A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within
-Will Durant
With all the talk about how everything, and everyone is supposedly unraveling, lets take a second to breath, do something positive.
There are always people, and organizations busy bringing people hope.
There are plenty of people helping people out in this world if we are willing to look.
My earliest mentor in life Mr. Rogers, always had the right words that continue to ring true today.
I believe attention, and action are two things we can find time to give to all people who who need a hand.
Over the years I've met so many great people with nonprofits, and today being National Nonprofit Day, I wanted to highlight some of my friends groups.
We can all choose a group of people to lend a hand to, and I can promise you life feels better when we give attention to helping people.
I have met some great people over the years doing great work like the folks at Bishop Dudley Hospitality House.
They are always looking for people to help them help people.
Healing Warriors-Wind River Ranch is a Christian Dude ranch serving wounded veterans and their families. If praying's your thing there is a beautiful group making their way to the ranch now, feel free to add them to your list.
I hear people say it all the time "we need to do more for our veterans". Yes we do. But our awareness and compassion can't stop at just noticing. We have to move to action.
I witnessed the love first hand Wind River Ranch offers veterans, and their families.
Veterans, people experiencing homelessness, people addicted, abused, neglected, and vulnerable children are all within an arms reach.
“We learned orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they are not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.” -David Platt
Their are plenty of people and organizations out there doing great work, here are links to two groups helping kids.
I partnered with some incredible people to make this video happen, and I was working with way more beard here.
Tom Henderson is another amazing human being swinging for the fences, and trying to put a dent in the pain young people face. Check out what Tom is up to here: Restoration Generation
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "look for the helpers you will always find people who are helping"
-Fred Rogers
These are just a few nonprofits, there are many good people doing good things.
These are just a few groups of people who need help, there are plenty that could use a hand.
Like the amazing human being Fred said in the above video about looking for helpers, because helpers bring hope.
I was taught by some wise people once, the more problems I have, the more I should throw myself into helping others. Those wise people were right. It has a magical way of dissolving whatever I'm facing.
Want to see the world differently? Be a helper. Bring people hope.
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