Leadercast Women 2021 Teaching, Supporting, Empowering Women
It is described as a day of "connection, education, and empowerment. Women spend a lot of time caring for others. Children, spouses, elderly parents can all be the primary focus for many women, who also may be working full or part-time to help support themselves and those they love.
Often, the last person on the list of people to comfort and encourage - - is herself.
The Women's Leadership Conference, Leadercast Sioux Falls, is hoping to provide a day of inspiration at the Sioux Falls Convention Center on Friday, May 21, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Doors open at 8:00 AM to allow time to complete a temperature check and a one-question health screening for all attendees.

The theme this year is "The Ripple Effect", examing how one action can lead to "impactful reactions that reverberate throughout space and time".
You'll see and hear nationally renowned women who are leading lives of distinction and purpose as well as local women making a splash in the big pool that is Sioux Falls! They "will share how you can discover and leverage your influence to create positive impacts that ripple out beyond your reach".
At this day just for women, you can can listen, learn, ask questions, participate, encourage, and take away lessons in life and leadership.
For tickets and more information, see Leadercast Women Sioux Falls online.
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