How to Self Publish Workshop in Sioux Falls
Sunday at the Full Circle Book Co-op in Sioux Falls is an opportunity for local writers to learn how to turn their dream of publishing a book into a reality.
From the event Facebook post:
Come join us Sunday June 23rd from 1-3pm @ Full Circle Book Co-op as guest speaker and author Ann Lenaers will walk us through the self publishing process! She will discuss use of KDP, personal experience, provide tips, and answer questions! If you need some consulting or help on your personal project, please bring your laptop and plan to stick around afterwards. Ann has agreed to block out the afternoon to hang around and chat with people who need help.
This event is FREE of charge so don’t miss out! However, Full Circle is graciously allowing us to use this space, so I encourage you to support their local business by bringing $5-$10 to enjoy lunch there! Their food is sensational, you’ll be sad if you don’t!
For more info on the event or other things happening at The Full Circle Book Co-op check out their Facebook page here.