How Much Does a New Parking Lot Cost?
I've been watching one being built for the past few 'months.' It got me wondering how much 'does it cost to build a new parking lot. How crazy could it be? You mow the grass, clear the land, put some asphalt down and let 'er rip, right? Wrong.
I've been watching our neighbors to the southwest build a new parking lot for Verne Eide Honda. Let me tell you this parking lot is intense.
About three months ago they started the project. Let me tell you, it's on a side hill with a pretty substantial drainage situation they are dealing with. The water used to flow right where the parking lot is being built. Here's what I've witnessed.
Knockdown a few trees bring in some dirt. OK. Bring it a crap ton of dirt. Bring in some more dirt. Now, more dirt. Now dig a trench through the dirt. Put a big drainage device into the dirt. Dig it up, move it a bit, and put it in again. [At least it looks like they did that] Now, bring in some gravel. Now, bring in more gravel. Now, level it. Level it again, slope it properly. Slop it again now pack it down. Back and forth pack it down. Use that maintainer bring in some lights.
We had some pretty heavy rains this week. I'm sure part of the litmus test of this new multi-billion-dollar parking lot must have passed. After all, it looks like most of the water made it to the Big Sioux River.
If you're driving by on Interstate-90 take a look at the north just before you hit Louise Avenue. It's quite a work of modern art. It's quite a parking lot!
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