Gold Star Mothers Day and Family’s Day Last Sunday in September
When someone experiences such great loss in life, people try and find the right words to say.
I honestly don't believe there are the right words, other than acknowledging the loss, and letting them know you love them.
They say when a family serves our country, the entire family serves.
Gold Star Mothers Day and Family's Day is the last Sunday in September.
According to the National Calendar Day website:
National Gold Star’s Mother’s Day, also known as National Gold Star’s Mother’s Day and Family’s Day, is observed annually on the last Sunday in September. National Gold Star Mother’s Day was created to recognize and honor those that have lost their son or daughter while serving our country in the United States Armed Forces. A gold star symbolizes a family member who died in the line of duty while serving the United States Armed Forces.
This is a time we can reach out to the families we know who have experienced this loss, and let them know we see them.
Another thing we can do this week is to take time to reflect on the sacrifices of so many families, and friends in our country.
I believe it is also an opportunity to have a conversation in schools, and around the table with our kids.
These families live with their loss everyday and we can reach out all year. This is a reminder to remember these families and express our love to them.
Sources: National Calendar Day