Branch Drop-off Location to Close Friday Night
Residents collecting branches and debris caused by April's ice storm will have one less place to dispose of them.
The branch drop-off site at the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds will close Friday night. Sioux Falls city officials say wood waste grinding soon will begin at 301 North Lyon Boulevard, so the city will permanently close the public branch drop-off site near the Fairgrounds at 7 p.m.
For safety reasons, citizens are asked to stay away from sites where wood waste grinding is occurring, and the City says closing the site will allow for more efficient grinding operations.
The other three public branch drop-off sites are still open. They are located at the Sanitary Landfill west of Sioux Falls, next to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility on East Chambers Street and at 69th and Cliff.
The wood waste from the grinding operation is not available to the public, but wood mulch is available to residents at no charge at the three public drop-off sites that remain open.