Technology. You either embrace it, or it will squeeze you to death. That may not be how the saying goes but it's how I say it.

This past weekend, my wife and I made a trip to the Hy-Vee at 26th and Sycamore and I had to look twice when it came time to check out. There are now 12  (I think, I didn't break out the calculator) self-checkout kiosks set up for checkout.

I looked again. Three checkout aisles are gone. I looked for the 12 items or less check-out but didn't see it either (I didn't look too closely). WalMart has had self-checkout available for years, but this was the first I noticed self check out at my Hy-Vee store in Sioux Falls. I have since read that the Minnesota Avenue Hy-Vee has had the service for some time now.

We only had a few items so we decided to see how it worked. For the most part, it worked pretty well. I pulled items out of the cart and beeped the machine. Then we pulled out the bananas. The dreaded bananas! I thought, this will be interesting, but we beeped the beep and set them down for the weigh-in and off we went.

It was OK for a couple of items. This time. I did wonder if I would have to card myself if I bought a bottle of wine (which you can find on every aisle in the store). I guess I'm old enough so it won't matter.

How about you? Do you like the self-checkout method? I'd love to hear what you think. Share your opinion in the comments on our Facebook post or email me at

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