Air Fryer Review: Now We’re Cooking with Air
We're kind of gadget people at our place. From waffle irons, to bread machines to food processors, our cabinet is packed and counters overflowing with stuff we use, and things we move once in a while, stack things on and dust.
One of our latest contraptions is a Power Air Fryer. Yep, it fries, sort of, with no grease or oil. Just air.
My mom had bought one, probably heard about it on a shopping show on late night television and wanted us to buy one. So we did. And I have to admit it's not too bad.
We've made french fries, shrimp frozen salmon patties, and a couple other items. They were good. And it's fast.
The only real complaint I have is it takes up space on the counter. I'll go with two thumbs up on it. And probably use it again tonight!
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