2018 Elk Application Deadline is Near in South Dakota
You are running out of time to apply for the 2018 elk seasons in South Dakota is fast approaching.
The deadline for elk, as well as mountain goat and big horn sheep, is 8:00 A.M. on Wednesday May 23 for online applications. Note that is 8:00 A.M. in the morning. I missed a West River deer app one time because of that.
If you one of the 14 people who are still sending in a paper application you only have until Friday May 18 to get your application postmarked and mailed to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks.
GFP changed how preference points work this year. All points you have purchased will be cubed. The theory is that those with more points who have been applying for a long time will have a better chance. I hope this works for those who have been applying and getting skunked for over 20 years.
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