Woman Seeks Donations to Remove Forehead Tattoo
Sometimes people put a lot of thought into their tattoos...and sometimes people don’t. Luckily, you can now laser off your tats if you come to regret them later in life. Well one woman decided to get a tattoo place right on her forehead.
Tabitha West, from a small town in New York, set up a "gofundme" page to remove the tattoo that has ‘420’ written across her forehead - which she said she got when she was “young and dumb” but is now making it impossible to find a job. So far she has over 1,000 donated!
Premier Laser Clinic compiled a list of the top 10 tattoos that people get removed. Here are the top 10 most removed tattoos:
- Name of an ex
- Dolphin
- A misspelled quote
- Barbed wire
- Star
- Butterfly
- Chinese symbols
- Celtic designs
- Zodiac signs
- Fairy