In honor of National Pancake Day, we thought we'd find out who has the best pancakes in South Dakota.

Here's what we found: According to the top picks at, South Dakota's best pancake can be found at Tally's Silver Spoon in Rapid City. After reading the reviews, it's easy to see why the locals cite Tally's on St. Joseph St. as the best breakfast in town. One contributor said, "You can substitute ice cream for butter on your pancakes!" I'm in.

But who has the best pancakes in our neighboring states?

Iowa: Groves Cafe in downtown Ames took to the top honors. Lisa wrote,"The raspberry rhubarb pancake special was amazing!"

Minnesota: The best pancakes in Minnesota can be found at Maria's Cafe in Minneapolis. "I will repeat what others have said, the corn pancakes are amazing. And so big!" - Ansell

Nebraska: Leo's Diner, appropriately located on Maple street in Omaha, calims the top honors. "The biscuits and gravy is excellent. Pancakes have a wonderful egg flavor just like moms. The food is filling so you will not need lunch. You will be pleasantly pleased. - Kristie

North Dakota: The Cinnamon Roll pancakes at Darcy's Cafe in Grand Forks are king in the oils state. "Cinnamon roll pancakes are heaven here." - Kelz H.

Find out who has the best pancakes in all 50 states here.

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