What Costume Are We Going To See Everywhere on Halloween? Google Has Some Answers. Aye Matey.
Halloween is this weekend and kids of all ages take it very seriously, planning their costumes for weeks if not months in advance, taking time to research, shop in thrift shops, watch You Tube videos on how to apply their makeup to achieve just the right look.
The Huffington Post has compiled a list of the most searched costume ideas by state according to Google.
Here in South Dakota, 2014 is the year of the pirate. There's a lot of different ways you can take that costume from the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' look that Johnny Depp sports, to the classic Blackbeard type with a parrot on your shoulder, to the obligatory 'sexy' pirate.
Naturally, South Dakotans aren't the only people fascinated with the pirate costume as it was also the top searched costume in Alaska and Maine too.
Here's some of the other popular costumes by state:
Idaho – Star Wars
Michigan, Ohio, Massachusetts, Georgia – Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
Utah – Captain America
Arkansas - Cheerleader
Kentucky, New Mexico, Oregon – Zombie
Connecticut, Minnesota, Maryland – Banana
Texas, Wisconsin, North Carolina – Black Widow
Maine, Alaska, South Dakota – Pirate
California – Alice in Wonderland
New Jersey – Elsa from Frozen
Virginia – Anna from Frozen
Even all these years later, I love seeing "Star Wars" still being at the top of a search. My all time favorite costume that I ever wore was as 'Chewbacca' back in the 70s wearing my step dad's great grandfather's dog hair coat and a mask that I had made from a burlap sack and wigs donated from a friend who owned a beauty parlor in my neighborhood.
What are you going as this year?