Watch Poetic Encouragement for Fellow Writers
April is National Poetry Month and Today is National Encourage a Young Writer Day. I was looking for fellow writers who sit in front of the page to encourage.
I wrote the above poem a few years back for the same reason, to encourage fellow writers who hammer away at the craft. There is an unwritten connection between writers who know the process of writing. Like all crafts, writing brings its gifts and its curses.
It is a hard thing to explain, like when you try to explain a place you've been on vacation and finally say "well you will just have to go there."
If you write then you've been there. You understand the island of writing.
I've found writing to be the most healing, revealing, hope filled funnel for my life.
I've also found encouragement in talking to other writers, and reading writers sharing about their experiences.
- Steven Pressfield: The War of Art
- Steven King: On Writing
- Julia Cameron: Finding Water and The Artist Way
- Anne Lammott: Bird by Bird
- David Morrell: The Successful Novelist
For anyone who picks up the pen, wrestles the page, or pounds away on a keyboard it's an honor to sit at the writers table with you.
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