Unexplained Paranormal Locations in South Dakota
An article written by Katie Hunhoff of the South Dakota Magazine named some spooky places in South Dakota where strange things have taken place.
One of the places she listed is located on the Nebraska-side of the Missouri River. People say that they have seen all types of strange things on land and in the air: The article says:
Although a lot of locals have seen the lights, most don't talk about it. Some give credit for the lights to swamp gas. Others bring up the Santee Sioux legends of seeing "little people" in the neighborhood of Crazy Peak.
Another location is a place called Sica Hollow in Roberts County, South Dakota. Strange glowing lights and voices can be heard along the hiking trail. The story explains:
Reports of strange voices, lights flashing in creek bottoms and bubbling red bogs along the "Trail of Spirits" make Sica Hollow a spooky place to visit any time of year. Its first Indian inhabitants dubbed the forested area “sica,” meaning bad or evil.
So if you are brave enough to venture out at night to experience these strange occurrences yourself, here are two locations for you to go. Have you ever experienced anything paranormal outdoors?
Source: southdakotamagazine.com
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