Thousands Ticketed In Minnesota For Using Cellphones and Driving
Back in April Minnesota joined 18 states and the District of Columbia in requiring drivers to have their cellphones in hands-free mode while their vehicle is moving. The law went into effect in August of 2019.
WCCO is reporting that since then Minnesota state officials have issued more than 5,000 citations to drivers breaking the states' hands-free law. Fines are $50 for the first offense and $275 for each subsequent violation plus court costs.
Minnesota's hands-free law makes it is illegal for drivers to read, compose, send text messages and emails, access the internet, or using a wireless device while the vehicle is in motion or a part of traffic which includes when stopped in traffic or at a traffic light.
Drivers can, however, use voice commands or single-touch activation to make calls, text, listen to music and get directions.
In South Dakota, it is illegal to text or read a message while driving but it is a secondary offense so you can't be pulled over for that alone. And in South Dakota, there is no law against talking on your cell phone.