Good news for owners of shiny, brand-new sports cars – thieves don't want your ride. Well, they really do, but they're harder to steal.

According to a new survey by the National Insurance Crime Bureau, owners of these well-loved, popular sedans are most likely to have their wheels swiped. Mainly because the auto's security devices wen't very good back then and can be cut up in a chop shop and sold for parts.

This year's list of most stolen cars is topped by a 20-year-old model, and includes:

  1. 1996 Honda Accord
  2. 1998 Honda Civic
  3. 2006 Ford Pickup (Full Size)
  4. 2004 Chevrolet Pickup (Full Size)
  5. 2014 Toyota Camry
  6. 2001 Dodge Pickup (Full Size)
  7. 2014 Toyota Corolla
  8. 2015 Nissan Altima
  9. 2002 Dodge Caravan
  10. 2008 Chevrolet Impala

source: NESN Fuel

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