As you travel throughout neighborhoods around Sioux Falls you may well have already seen them. Lawn service folks are pulling around those little trailers that say, winter is coming and it's time to blow out your sprinkler system.

The other day I received a text from Julie saying I could go ahead and book my blowout anytime. I looked at the calendar, then I looked at the lawn AND the forecast and thought; it's green enough, it's late enough it's time, let's get it done!

Usually, I like to be home when Bill comes by but Julie said, shut the water off in the house on the way to the system, turn your controller off and unplug it for the season and they would swing by and blow it out sometime today.

It's that easy. As wet as we've been I think you can go ahead and blow yours out too. It sure beats scrambling looking to get it done the day before a HARD freeze.

Thank you for sharing this story with your friends as a reminder to blow out their sprinkler system.


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