South Dakota Boasts Current Worlds Best Pole Vaulter
Best in the world so far this year. That is correct current best in the WORLD! And this current best is not in rodeo or something else you may associate with South Dakota but pole vaulting.
We just caught this on our Facebook feed. Thanks to Suzy Geppert from South Dakota Beef, yes it's what's for dinner tonight, and she posted that South Dakota is currently proud to boast that we have a new World Pole Vault Leader. his name is Chris Nilsen.
So how high did Nilsen vault? Try 19'4.75" this past weekend at the USATF Golden Games at Mt. Sac in Walnut, California.

After the competition, Nilsen thanked Nike for his spikes, his coach Mitch Krier and his friends at South Dakota Beef. He thanks, Build Your Base with Beef. They prepped me so well for this meet and without them, I wouldn't be in such great shape. He went on to say that eating well is such a big part of competing well, and they absolutely do your part.
Nielsen, from Kansas City, is a senior at The University of South Dakota in Vermillion. Son of Mark and Karen Nilsen and is a kinesiology and sport management major with an emphasis in sport management.
USD has turned out to be quite the hotbed for track and field stars thanks in part to the famous Dakota Dome and indoor facilities they have for training!
Congratulations to Chris Nielsen and continued good luck as you strive to go higher and higher. With the help of South Dakota Beef of Course.
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