Yesterday Sioux Falls Mayor Paul HenHaken signed a proclamation to declare next week Tuesday, April 2, 2019 as “World Autism Awareness Day” in Sioux Falls.

The Mayors proclamation stated: Whereas, autism spectrum disorders are a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills repetitive behaviors and speech and nonverbal communication;

Whereas, autism spectrum disorders affect at least one in fifty-nine children and an unknown number of adults in the United State of all genders, races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds;

Whereas, early, accurate diagnosis and appropriate education, intervention, and supports are vital to the well-being of those with autism spectrum disorders;

Whereas, persons with an autism spectrum disorder should have access to the care, services, and opportunities they need to be happy and to achieve their greatest potential;

Whereas, the City of Sioux Falls is honored to take part in the annual observance of World Autism Month and World Autism Awareness Day in the hope that it will lead to more research and better understating and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder.

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