Sioux Falls Extras Needed for Christmas Short Film
I talked with writer-director Dempsey Tapley about his love for film, and his upcoming project that you can be a part of.
Tapley is filming a Christmas movie and could use 40 to 50 people to be extras in a scene they will be filming in Sioux Falls at the end of March. If you are interested in being a part of this one of the main things to remember is to show up and wear more earth tone clothes nothing bright colored.
From their Facebook event page:
- 40-50 Extras Needed for Local Christmas short-film. The scene will be a church scene.
- Wear earthy-tones/hipster arrive or reserved Christmas clothes.
- Free Pizza!
- All ages.
- No all need to stay for the full shoot.
- Location: Full Circle Book Coop
- Date: Sunday, March 31st, 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM
You can check out all the details on their Facebook event page here.
If you have more questions you can message writer and director Dempsey Tapley.