Presidential candidate Donald Trump is turning tradition on its ear this election season by insisting on doing phone-in interviews rather than live TV feeds - something some of the network TV big shots are none to pleased with.

When that happens, producers are then forced to show a still image of the person being interviewed -making for "bad TV" as some would have you believe. Networks argue people would rather see the person being interviewed, not just a still photo of them.

(Here's the part that makes the radio guy in me laugh). Their main argument is "phoners" put the interviewer at a disadvantage. That's because it's harder to interrupt, ask a follow-up question, or know whether the subject is being coached or prompted.

HELLO!!! Welcome to the world of RADIO!!!

For years, I've argued the best TV anchors and reporters are those who "cut their teeth" in the radio business. I can always tell if someone on TV has radio experience - because they can ad-lib and actually carry on a conversation with the person being interviewed.

Pay attention the next time you watch the news; you'll be able to tell who does and doesn't have radio experience. Nowadays, looking pretty and being able to read a teleprompter doesn't cut it. You have to be able to think on your toes - like RADIO PEOPLE!!!

As to why Donald Trump insists on doing phoners rather than live TV feeds - who knows. Maybe it has something to do with his hair or facial expressions. Or, just maybe, he looking to weed out the "good" interviewers from the "bad" interviewers.

(Source: Associated Press)

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