Professional ‘Eater’ Randy Santel to Sioux Falls for Gorilla Challenge
If you've been working on your 'diet' lately, you probably have been trying to think thoughts like, drink water before you eat or don't eat too fast. The big buzz word amongst dieters is don't eat too much.
According to The Argus Leader, The man, the myth, the legend, Randy Santel, a competition eater with millions of social media followers is coming to Sioux Falls, South Dakota to take on The Gorilla Gorilla Dumpster Challenge” at Urban Chislic.
If you live in Southeast Sioux Falls, you may know about Urban Chislic. They are located across from Terry Schulte Subaru in a mall area just in front of Walmart's 85th Street location.
Back to the Big Eater. Randy Santel can put it away and draw a crowd at the same time. I just checked out his YouTube subscriber list and he has nearly 1.3 million followers. In translation, when he comes and eats, and posts a video from the event, it garners a big plate of social media clicks. Six-and-a-quarter pounds of beef, lamb, chicken, and pork chislic as well as other side dishes are included in the Dumpster Challenge.
While at Urban Chislic, Santel will attempt to ingest six pounds of Chislic. That's a lot of protein. Most of the time, it's a mix of carbohydrates and protein. This is just a big pile of protein.
Chislic is a South Dakota favorite, but if you order it at your favorite place around Sioux Falls, such as The Barrel House or The Attic, it comes in much smaller portions. Let's just say, when Santel sits down at the table he'll be 'eating for about 13 or 14 people.'
Praise the Lord and pass the Rolaids. According to Santel's Facebook page, (over 1.4 Million friends and followers,
Monday 5/10 – Sioux Falls, South Dakota – Urban Chislic’s 100oz Gorilla Dumpster Challenge – 6 pm.
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