Parkinson’s Program In Sioux Falls Features Boxing
April is Parkinson's Awareness Month and this program in Sioux Falls is offering a unique way to fight back.
Watching a love ones physically deteriorate from Parkinson's is a hard thing to do. When someone you love is sick or diagnosed with anything you just want to take it away and make them better.
Rock Steady Boxing Gym in Sioux Falls offers a physical way to fight against the physical problems of Parkinson's.
This Saturday April 28th, the Sioux Falls Rock Steady Boxing Gym will celebrate their one year anniversary of making a difference.
You can come and get a tour, meet some of their boxers, or watch one of the demonstration classes during the open house.
If you would like to learn how this boxing program benefits people who have Parkinson's or if you would like watch a Rock Steady demo in action come to their open house.
They will have class demos during their open house this Saturday April 18th, at 12:30 and 2:00 pm.
The open house is Saturday from 12:00 till 3:00 pm and will be located at The Inn on Westport 4000 S. Westport Avenue, Sioux Falls.
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