National Stop Bullying Day: 2 Quick Questions Every Parent Can Ask Their Kids
Here is a video (Pg-13 rating)I made at the beginning of the school year about preparing to send our kids back to school.
A short list more important than straight A's, and school supplies. 2 quick questions every parent can ask their kids today after school.
We can get so caught up in competition, sports, grades, fundraisers, and all the other things we get told are important.
I don't believe any of the above are more important than our kids being decent human beings, knowing how to treat each other.
Ask them if they are being picked on, or are they picking on people?
1.) Is your kid being picked on? They need a place to let out that pain, and some tools to erase those words.
2.) Is your kid the A$%^Ol=? Are they the ones picking on other kids. You'd be surprised how many parents have no idea their kids are bullies.
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