Sioux Falls Mayoral Candidate Jolene Loetscher’s Accounts Get Early All-Clear in Hacking Probe
As the time draws short for Sioux Falls citizens to decide who should lead their community, one loose end has been tied.
In a press release, the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation revealed preliminary findings regarding alleged hacking of internet accounts and social media platforms belonging to Mayoral candidate Jolene Loetscher. Within the statement it initially appears that no criminal activity took place.
“Through the legal process, investigators found no evidence at this time that either a bank account or a website have been compromised,” was one portion of the release.
Two days ago, Loetscher filed a complaint with the Sioux Falls Police Department who subsequently shifted the investigation to the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office who asked DCI to assist.
Another portion of the release offered, “This investigation is ongoing and is not focused on any specific person or business as a suspect. Investigations of this nature may take longer due to the process of receiving information from IT providers and review of the information received.”
Shortly after the release from the Attorney General, Loetscher submitted her own statement where she expressed relief with the latest developments and knows the road to complete resolution will be long.
“We understand this will be a long process and thank law enforcement for their diligent work and all those who have cooperated with the investigation.”
Her opponent, Paul TenHaken, has stated that the DCI believes that neither TenHaken nor his campaign are the cause of the hacking attempts.
Absentee voting is currently underway in the runoff for the Sioux Falls election for Mayor and the Central District City Council position. The election is May 1.
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