Local FFA Chapters Awarded Grants
When someone says FFA, what's the first thing you think of? Maybe their famous blue jackets? That's one thing that comes to mind. I happen to think of students who have a pretty good idea 'where their going, and what they want to do.' It's a great organization that ties schools together with work coming up later in life. We recently received a press release from Gerri Eide from the South Dakota FFA Association that stated:
Congratulations to the Harrisburg and Garretson FFA chapters for being awarded Grants for Growing funds by the National FFA Organization. Only 152 chapters nationwide were selected to receive grants. Grants for Growing (G4G) is a competitive grant program for FFA chapters that are developing and improving project-based or experiential learning opportunities for students. FFA chapters from across the country applied for up to $5,000 through the G4G program to support one of three areas:
Funds will be used to 'grow the classroom support increasing students’ classroom knowledge. Grow the local Chapter; support the development or expansion of an FFA chapter and leadership opportunities. Funds will also; support the development or expansion of an agricultural literacy event or campaign.
All of this is made possible with the help of local business support. Grants for Growing is sponsored by Tractor Supply Company (TSC) with funding provided by consumers who purchase $1 paper emblems at TSC stores during checkout.
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