Is it Legal to Wear Speedos At Sioux Falls Pools? Would You?
Bring on the heat! The summer is here in the Sioux Empire and that means the community pools are making huge splashes!
For anyone who has not experienced a South Dakota summer, they are hot and humid. You'll find most of the city catching some rays at one of the city pools or even water parks like Wild Water West. So when you're hanging out at the pool, what should you wear? What's an acceptable swimsuit to wear?

There are some questionable swimsuits at the pool that makes you think, "How is this suit allowed?" For example, there are some male swimmers who choose to wear speedos. But is it illegal to wear a speedo at the city pools or even water parks in Sioux Falls?
The next time you want to throw on a speedo, you can apparently do that! However, you have to make sure everything is covered...Here are the official swimsuit guidelines from the City of Sioux Falls:
Every patron of the Sioux Falls aquatic facilities must wear appropriate swim wear so as to sufficiently cover and not allow exposure of genitalia when entering the water at a Sioux Falls City aquatic facility. Swimwear may not consist of cutoffs, basketball, biker, or soccer shorts, or other items which may not be conducive to the health, safety, and welfare of all patrons. Any attire which may be deemed by Sioux Falls City aquatic facility personnel as amounting to public indecency pursuant to Sioux Falls City Ordinance 130.004 shall not be allowed.
In Sioux Falls, there are three Family Aquatic Centers, two Traditional Pools, one Stand Alone Wading Pool, and three Spray Parks. Plenty of opportunities to enjoy a quick swim.
Have fun and be safe at the city pools and even water parks this summer! Wear a speedo at your own risk.