Is This South Dakotas Favorite ‘Romantic Movie?’
Valentines Day is coming fast! With that in mind, what's the first movie that comes to your mind when you think of Romance. recently came up with a list of Most Romantic Movies by State.
South Dakotas was the movie Her. What's interesting is, what the movie is about (Artificial Intelligence) and the fact that Google Trends picked the movie.
Ok. I'm not big into romantic movies. So I had to do a little looking. Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson starred in the movie. Actually, it's more of the Voice of Scarlett Johansson that is included. Working in radio, I have to tell you Johansson is a beautiful woman but her voice is amazing!
The trailer is interesting, on a sort of creepy level with me. I thought I would include it here and let you decide for yourself. Heads up, if you decide to watch the movie, the music throughout, is pretty awesome!
The trailer is sort of a tell. Whereas it is a romantic movie of sorts, it is also a glimpse into the future of relationships and how they may play out in the future. What is most interesting to me, is the relationship that Theodore has, is with a real voice, instead of well, I'll leave it at that so I don't spoil it for you if you haven't seen the movie.
Hey, let's call it your Homework. Before Valentines Day, pull it up, watch it and see if it comes up anywhere near the top of your favorite Romantic Movie Lists. By the way, North Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska chose Titantic, and Minnesota chose the movie Before Sunrise. I can tell that I have a lot of work to do to get up to speed with Romantic Movies. Then again...
How about you? What's your favorite 'romantic movie?' We'd love to hear from you in the comments. And thank you again for sharing this with your 'romantic movie' loving friends.
If you would like to see the entire story and how other states fared, you can check here.