Will your kids be safe when they step to the plate this year or will the bat they are swinging be illegal in 2018?

There are new regulations being enforced in 2018 for types of bats that comply with little league new standards.

It's been a while since I stepped up to the plate as a kid, so I'm sure a lot has changed.

To be completely honest I haven't played baseball since tee ball.

Parents and coaches with kids who play will want to be familiarized with the new regulations being enforced in 2018.

Bats have changed a bunch since I was a kid, now I see all the kids with their double bats sticking outside the sides of their bat bags.

When I was a kid we rarely had our own bats, in fact I remember having to share a bat with my brother.

To make sure your teams and kids bats comply with little league new standards. I would recommend going to littleleague.org or usabat.com.

For folks finding out they will need a new legal bat Play it Again Sports in Sioux Falls does carry the new compliant bats.

See Also

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