I don't know about you, but when I order a chicken sandwich, I believe I'm eating - well, chicken. Not that I have a problem with chicken-flavored soy products. I have purchased and enjoyed them many times. But when you're told you are eating actual chicken, I think most consumers believe it.

Not so fast there, Clucky! A new study is out which brings into question that Sweet Onion Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich you just snarfed from Subway. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation produces a consumer affairs program named "Marketplace", which recently made a decision to test the amount of chicken in a number of fast-food restaurant sandwiches. The results were interesting to say the least.

The facility which was chosen to undertake these tests was Trent University's Wildlife Forensic DNA Laboratory in Peterborough, Ontario, in Canada. They tested a number of chicken sandwiches from McDonald's, Wendy's, A&W, a Canadian favorite - Tim Horton's, and Subway.

Results for most of the products indicated scores of near 100%, with the exception of Subway. DNA researcher Matt Harnden's findings determined that Subway's chicken breast consisted of about half chicken and the rest, soy.

Subway's response was quick and heated, calling the scientific study, "absolutely false and misleading". The Milford, Connecticut company claims their chicken is "100% white meat with seasonings, marinated and delivered to stores as a finished cooked product."

Pardon the expression, but that is definitely "food for thought". Bon apetit!

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