Inspiring Delicious Journey of Oh My Cupcakes! Featured in Book
Melissa Johnson's Fingers in the Frosting: God's Hand in the Creation of Oh My Cupcakes! aims to inspire other dream chasers, and get a glimpse inside her journey.
I love to hear other peoples stories, and how their journey's unfold.
I asked author, entrepreneur, and all around amazing human being Melissa Johnson some questions about her story, and her book.
For anyone who is not familiar with you or your work how would you describe you?
I have a lot of roles in my life, but my favorite hat to wear is Professional Encourager. I like to help people understand that they have all they need inside of them to pursue a dream, or take a next bold step, or even start a business if that's what they want to do. My writing style is a bit the same. I like to lead people down journeys I've already walked, sharing wisdom from others I've encountered on my path.
When and why did you start writing this book?
When Oh My Cupcakes! began over eight years ago, I knew God was up to something pretty special. I kept a "bullet-point" style outline of cool things that happened along the way. I wanted to write out our business story, but also to encourage people to follow whatever path is theirs, and to provide actionable steps to help narrow down which direction to go. My hope is that this book accomplishes those things, and that after they read it, they have a clearer understanding of how to take those next steps.
Who did you have in mind when you wrote it, and who would benefit from reading it?
People just like me: people who have a dream but don't even know where to begin. People who have grand ideas but don't know how to narrow focus and simply begin. It's definitely a book of encouragement, so I think we can all benefit from that, right?
Where did you find most of your inspiration for writing this?
I can’t even count the times I’ve been asked, “So, what prompted you to start a cupcake shop?” This book was a way to tell that story, but also to lift people up and hopefully share a little bit of wisdom and hope along the way. The book is a little bit memoir, a little bit uplift, and a little bit “how-to.”
If you could have lunch with 3 entrepreneurs or authors living or dead who are you eating with, and what’s on the menu?
Gotta go Maya Angelou for sure. I could say she had such an incredible story, but she had COUNTLESS incredible stories. I think we all have so many stories inside of us, and she brought so many of hers to life over her years. Second, I’m going to go Paul Simon. Yes, he’s a musician by trade, but he’s a storyteller by design. His lyrics speak volumes (there’s a pun for you.) I have a big book that’s filled with all of his lyrics spanning the decades. So, if you’ve got a book you’re an author, right? Third, I’d have to say Brene Brown. Her words are so full of authenticity and vulnerability, and she speaks to things going on in our world, in our time. If you haven’t read Braving the Wilderness, her newest one, you should put a hold on that one at your local library.
On the menu. That’s a tough one. I’m not sure what’s for the proper meal, but I’m going to have to go with cupcakes for dessert.
Do you have any advice for anyone who has a book inside them they would like to write?
If you pass along advice, does it mean you have to follow it yourself? I am still not perfect at this, but my best advice would be to write something every day. No matter what it is, how lengthy or how small, just write. (Again, I really need to follow my own advice, but I’d be lying if I said I did this perfectly.) I have learned that, no matter what you’re writing, you are always honing your craft. There’s a quote I read that says, “Every time you write, something valuable will occur.” I think it’s an author named SARK who wrote it, but I can’t be 10% certain. Writing takes practice. Keep a notebook and a pen with you all the time, because our memories are fickle things and as time passes, details fade.
Write. Them. Down.
For more on Melissa, and what she's up to check out Melissa J
You can order Fingers in the Frosting: God's Hand in the Creation of Oh My Cupcakes! on Amazon by clicking here.
The book is also available for purchase at both stores Oh My Cupcakes! 5015 S Western Ave Suite 290, Sioux Falls, and Oh My Word! 328 S Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls.
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