Deadwood was a series that ran on HBO from 2004 through 2006. The show is set in Deadwood, South Dakota 1800s at the start of the Black Hills gold rush.

The show was R rated as it showed the debauchery, crime, and corruption of the largely lawless small western town. Deadwood the TV show featured many of the bigger than life historical characters that became old west legends. People like Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, Seth Bullock, Charlie Utter, and Al Swearengen who actually owned a brothel and gambling saloon in the real Deadwood.

I bought the 3 season box set and bing watch the whole first season on one showy winter weekend. I was hooked on the show and sad when it ended.

After years of a rumored Deadwood Movie, HBO has announced the new film is in production. Timothy Olyphant will be back as Seth Bullock and Ian McShane will reprise his role of Al Swearengen.

HBO is saying: “The indelible characters of the series are reunited after ten years to celebrate South Dakota’s statehood. Former rivalries are reignited, alliances are tested and old wounds are reopened, as all are left to navigate the inevitable changes that modernity and time have wrought.”

The Deadwood movie is set to air in 2019. Hot Dog!

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