Hunt Safe Courses for South Dakota Youth
I heard the commercial on the radio the other day. The announcer came on saying, get your kids ready to enjoy some of the great outdoors that South Dakota has to offer. Get them involved with hunting and the HuntSafe Courses here in South Dakota.
Just hearing the commercial brought back a flood of memories. I remember taking the course myself 'years ago' in the Kennebec, South Dakota school lunchroom. Bob Hills was the instructor. I remember a lot of what was said over those days of instruction from years ago. When I heard the ad, I also thought back to taking our own kids to take the HuntSafe themselves.
If you grew up in rural South Dakota, chances are you grew up around hunting. Here's information on those first steps. From walking fields playing the role of 'bird dog,' or helping grandpa spot deer on a cold fall morning. Hunting is a tradition, built into the fabric of our lives here in South Dakota.
Here are some of the things you'll need to know for HuntSafe in South Dakota. According to gfp.sd.gov;
HuntSAFE courses are designed for persons age 12 through 15. Persons who are 11 may participate, but will not be issued a Hunter Safety certification card until their 12th birthday, unless the card is clearly marked that the card is not valid until the person's 12th birthday. Adults are also welcome and invited to attend. Your HuntSAFE certification does not serve as bowhunter education certification.
Exception: If a student's 12th birthday falls on or between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31, he/she may be issued a card and is eligible to obtain a license and hunt beginning Sept. 1 of that year.
Students who successfully complete a HuntSAFE course receive an identification card containing their name, date of certification, a certification number and the signature of the instructor.
Until the student is 16, a parent or guardian must present the HuntSAFE certification card to a licensed agent when purchasing the young person's hunting license.