Firehouse Rib Cookoff ‘Fires Up’ in Freeman, South Dakota
There are a couple of events I look forward to every year. One of them is the Fireman's Rib Cookoff in Freeman, South Dakota. In the past, they have had up to 30 smokers with 'Cooks' fired up in heated competition. According to one of the organizers, Chad Soulek , they could be crowding 30 participants again year. And you know what that means...more ribs to eat and more ribs to judge.
The Rib Cookoff comes to Freeman, South Dakota Saturday, August 10, 2024. The Rib Cookoff is more than ribs! They'll have a 2-person Team Bean Bag Tournament, Kids Water Fight Live music and best of all an opportunity to talk about rain, or the lack thereof as you get together and catch up with friends.
Last year they added live music and it was a hit!
The best part of the cook-off is the fact that fire departments from all around the region compete! [Come to the Rib Cook-Off and they'll come to your fire!]
Soulek called me the other day and asked if I could help judge again, [I missed out last year] and my weekend was clear so I'll be there, judging ribs! I can't wait!
Brisket and Ribs will be judged and you can start sampling at 5:00 PM.
Check out the 11th annual Freeman Fire Department Firehouse Rib Cook-Off Saturday August 10, 2024 at Freeman City Park @ Wipf & Parkway. [no coolers please]
Again, I ask that you please share this with your Facebook and Twitter friends so they can come out for some awesome small-town fun and tasty ribs and brisket!