Cure Kids Cancer: Liam Dieter
By Sanford Children's Hospital
Liam Dieter has already undergone radiation, chemotherapy treatments, and surgery—more than most people endure in a lifetime—and he isn’t even three years old. He was diagnosed with a Stage 3 Wilms Tumor, cancer in the kidneys, at just 10 months old. After being in remission for a short time, his cancer came back. Liam again responded well to his treatments and is back in remission. His mom, Monica, believes that God has an amazing plan for Liam.
When he was just 10 months old, Liam Dieter was vomiting uncontrollably. Then his mom, Monica, noticed there was blood in his urine. Again a few weeks later, more blood in his urine and a lump in Liam’s stomach area. What was going on with this little boy?
Monica took Liam into Sanford Children’s where she learned the lump was a mass— Wilms Tumor, or kidney cancer. Liam didn’t just have cancer; he had stage 3 cancer and required immediate surgery to remove the tumor. Doctors at Sanford Children’s were able to successfully remove his tumor, and Liam began chemo two short weeks later. The following week, he underwent a week of radiation treatments.
Liam responded well to his treatments and was in remission, sadly only for a short time. His cancer came back but Liam is thankfully again in remission. His family believes their faith helped little Liam. On her CaringBridge, Monica shares: “God has been with us every step of this journey. He must have an amazing plan for Liam.” Today, Liam is again in remission and as active as ever.