Chris Janson Hopes to Find Stolen Guitar Before Sioux Falls Concert
Chris Janson is set to play The District in Sioux Falls. At this stage it is unclear if he'll be bringing one of his best friends, his guitar. As seen on Bobby;
Chris Janson is searching for his stolen guitar.
If you have ever had something taken from you, you know the feeling. It’s the queasy feeling as your tummy drops, your hands become balmy, and an unfamiliar lump forms in your throat.
This is the feeling that Chris experienced when he realized that his beloved Fender guitar had been stolen from his car after a night of playing the Grand Ole Opry.
Thursday, Jan 3rd, Chris made a call out fans via social media for help in cracking the case saying, “Over the Holiday break, my custom @Fender guitar (shown in photo below) was stolen out of the car, after playing the Opry. If ANYone sees or hears about it, please notify local PD and ME! Thanks y’all. And if by chance the thieves read this post, please know that I forgive, and will accept an apology and a return, with no repercussion.”
While this guitar picking, "Buy Me A Boat" singer isn't interested in pressing charges, he is hoping that somehow his Fender guitar will find its way home.
Here is a photo of the guitar from Janson's Twitter feed.