Car Detailer Repairs Salem Man’s Vehicle Tagged with Racial Slurs
I spend a fair amount of time complaining about the weather in this part of the country, especially during the winter months. But honestly, that is really the only drawback to living in South Dakota, in my opinion.
What is great about living in the Midwest is the people.
That's why when something horrible does happen, like the racially charged incident that happened to Joshua Gadsden of Salem last week, there's always a Good Samaritan never too far away to help right a wrong.

Such is the case with a Sioux Falls car detailing business that has stepped up to the plate to help Gadsden restore his vehicle back to its original condition after it was vandalized with a number of racial slurs and swastikas sometime during the night of (March 24).
Dakota News Now is reporting that “Superior Detail” of Sioux Falls has agreed to fix Gadsden's car for free.
The owner, Ryan Murray, told Dakota News Now that several people from around the Sioux Empire had contacted Superior Detail, offering to help pay to have Gadsden's vehicle repaired after it was vandalized. Once Murray heard the heinous thing that had happened, he wanted to be the person to help.
According to Murray, “Gadsden was just real calm and collected. He had a couple of questions with some stereo stuff, so we just figured, you know what, let’s go ahead and take care of the whole car for him. Take care of some of the stereo stuff that he had going on, just make some good out of the whole situation,”
What is hard to fathom throughout this whole tragic ordeal is why someone would do something so terrible to a person like Joshua?
Gadsden is a paramedic who drives an ambulance in the Salem area and has a long history of helping others in the Salem community.
What has transpired from this unfortunate act, is the fact that we cannot judge the entirety of the people of this area by the actions of one misguided individual riddled with anger and hate. The Sioux Empire is filled full of good souls like Gadsden, and Murray who exemplify the decency of the majority of residents that make up South Dakota. That is something we always need to keep in mind.
Source: Dakota News Now
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