Call to Freedom Free Self Defense Workshop
Picking up some self defense tips is a great idea for anyone.
Call to Freedom is inviting you to this free self defense workshop Saturday, January 12, 2019 at 4:15 PM till 6:15 PM.
This free event is hosted by Hosted by Call to Freedom and Fallout Shelter Ministries at the Church of the Gate in Sioux Falls.
From the Call to Freedom Facebook event post:
Join us for a FREE self-defense course on January 12 in Sioux Falls! Call to Freedom will be partnering with Fallout Shelter Ministries to bring education and awareness to the community. There is no cost, but a free will offering will be taken.
Anyone age 10 and older is welcome to participate. Register by sending an email to info@calltofreedom.org. End time is approximate as the size of the group and its level of engagement can influence how much time is needed.
Learn more about Fallout Shelter Ministries here or for more on Call to Freedom check out their website.