Free is ALWAYS good right? Especially when it's supposedly going to save me a TON of money.

Not in this case.

It all began in August when I found the Argus Leader YES! - a publication filled with coupons, flyers, and advertisements - sitting at the end of my driveway. This was something I never wanted and certainly no one from the Argus had ever contacted me asking if I'd like to receive it.

I actually gave up delivery of the regular newspaper years ago and opted for a digital subscription to avoid having to deal with the delivery issues that come with a physical copy of the paper. I now never have to worry about my paper being late or wet. And I never have to worry about stopping delivery when I'm out of town.

To be fair, I wanted to give the folks at the Argus the courtesy they had not bothered to extend to me - contact them regarding my interest in receiving what is the equivalent of junk mail being dropped off in my driveway.

August 27, I sent an e-mail to their customer service department with a simple request:

Please stop delivering the YES! shopper to my home.

Three days later, I received a nice response from Lanora, an Account Specialist with the Argus, assuring me that the carrier has been notified of my request.

Delivery did stop.

For about two weeks.

That prompted a second e-mail to customer service, and I was a little more pointed this time.

I reminded the Argus that I had already contacted them about this issue once, that I didn't appreciate that if this delivery had occurred while I was out of town it would have essentially advertised to anyone and everyone that I wasn't home, and told them that as far I was was concerned they were essentially littering by dumping this mound of meaningless (to me) paper in my driveway.

That time I got no response, but again the deliveries did stop.

For about three weeks.

This past weekend, guess what's back? Not just standard time, but a copy of the Argus Leader YES! at the end of my driveway.

E-mail number three has been sent.

Wish me luck!

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