I got a call a the week of Memorial Day from someone with the Leathernecks MC, he requested a song and mentioned they would be having an event coming soon.

The other night as I walked into the Sam's BP in Harrisburg, I saw their poster right there in the window.

I contacted Todd from his info off of the flyer, and he gave me the breakdown of their Leathernecks MC Chapter, and this event.

Leathernecks MC Sioux Nation Chapter is putting on this two day event with 100% of the proceeds going to help local Vets.

All sorts of fun with biker games, raffles, music, food, beer and your local chapter of the Leathernecks MC.

If you want to attend the event it's July 21 - 22 at the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds in Sioux Falls.

Thanks to Todd and the Leathernecksfor putting this event on, and supporting our Veterans.

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